СЕУЛ, 27 декабря. /ТАСС/. Акции компании Artist United, которая сняла сериал «Игра в кальмара», упали после премьеры второго сезона. Об этом свидетельствую данные биржи KOSDAQ.
The main idea of the article is that the stock prices of companies involved with the production of *Squid Game* dropped significantly after the release of the second season.
Specifically, Artist United, the company that produced the show, saw a 30% drop in its share price. This drop can be attributed to market disappointment, as the second season, while receiving generally positive reviews, may not have lived up to the hype generated by the groundbreaking first season.
The main idea of the article is that the stock prices of companies involved with the production of *Squid Game* dropped significantly after the release of the second season. Specifically, Artist United, the company that produced the show, saw a 30% drop in its share price. This drop can be attributed to market disappointment, as the second season, while receiving generally positive reviews, may not have lived up to the hype generated by the groundbreaking first season.